Crowley’s Job Responsibilities: Sawyer
Result: To exceed customer expectations by precisely cutting counters and splash
Responsible Position: Sawyer
Summary: The sawyer is responsible for accurately and efficiently cutting all counters and splash in accordance with supplied templates and dimensions by executing the following procedure.
Order of Operation:
1. Clean slab to be cut with acetone.
2. Check entire slab to locate blemishes and defects (haze, pits, fissures).
3. Circle blemishes and defects with white china marker.
4. Layout templates avoiding blemishes, tape, and mark with sharp pencil (if blemishes cannot be avoided, get manager’s approval).
5. Confirm joint color match and veining flow (get managers approval if quality is in question).
6. Cut counters to pencil line and splash to exact dimensions.
7. Label pieces with edge, job name, and piece #s.
8. Label splash edges and ends to polish and piece #s.
9. Put sink piece on yellow cart for rodding, other counters on cart, and splash on polishing rack.
10. Place templates with pieces on carts and move cart into CNC bay
I agree to execute and follow the above procedure and to notify my manager of any instance where I will be unable to perform them as directed.
Signed ________________________________ Date ______________________