Becker’s Blog #12: How’s the Fishing?
In a previous blog I mentioned a potential material issue with the Rosso Barocco marble used for the four large baldacchino columns. The potential turned into a reality, and the color of the marble was changed to Verde St Denis, a green variety from northern Italy.
This development unfolded in the months of November and December, as the original quarry never produced a Rosso Barocco block large enough for the columns. The projects’ schedule, and the fact that the Rosso Barocco quarry closed for the winter, dictated this decision.
We were all disappointed that the Rosso Barocco could not be used, but none more than Bishop Swain, who selected the material. I expect more conversation on this subject, but it’ll have to wait for a future blog.
As I write this blog in late January, container number seven is due to arrive in Norfolk, Va., this week. Crated inside the container is the marble for the cathedra and high altar. Timing is good as Al and the guys are ready to get back to work.
That’s good for the guys, and great news for the fish.
Thanks for reading,
Joe Becker
Twin City Tile and Marble Co.
St. Paul, Minn.
Joe Becker has been in the natural-stone business for 26 years. He started with Cold Spring Granite as a draftsman and spent time in their stone installation and estimating departments. He is currently Vice President of St. Paul, Minn.-based Twin City Tile and Marble Co. and oversees their stone operations.
Copyright ©2011 Western Business Media Inc.
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