Category: JobSight

Seafront, Frederiksted, Virgin Islands

By K. Schipper
   FREDERIKSTED, Virgin Islands – This port city on St. Croix,  the largest of three islands that make up the United States Virgin Islands, may have a past that dates back hundreds of years, but with the turn of the century its future was seriously in doubt.

Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, Beachwood, Ohio

By M.W. Penn
   BEACHWOOD, Ohio – The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage was conceived as a celebration of the Jewish immigrant experience in northeast Ohio, but the scope of museum exhibits encompasses the entire history of Judaism. To symbolically connect the museum with the heritage of the people it honors, the building’s facing is more than 126 tons of Gold Jerusalem limestone from the Ramon Mitzpeh quarry in southern Israel.

St. Paul’s Cathedral Restoration, London

By Claire Santry

LONDON — Every Briton – and anyone in the world who holds this city dear – cares what happens to St. Paul’s Cathedral. And all of them – from the most-distinguished conservation specialist to the average layperson on the street – have a view on how this almost-300-year-old limestone treasure should be protected.

Le Palais De Justice, Montréal

MONTREAL – The Le Palais De Justice De Montréal (Montréal Courthouse) now features 145,000 ft² of granite flooring – even though original renovation plans didn’t call for any stone on the floor.

Music Center at Strathmore, North Bethesda, Md.

By K. Schipper
   NORTH BETHESDA, Md. – It’s not unusual for a building to be clad in a single color of stone … and , if a second color is utilized, it’s often incorporated into formal design elements, such as door and window surrounds or in a vertical line to break up a large, flat surface.

William J. Clinton Library, Little Rock, Ark.

By K. Schipper
   LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Former President Bill Clinton experienced more than a little turmoil in his public life, but the construction of his presidential library was as smooth as the wood, glass and stone incorporated into the 150,000 ft² museum and archive.