Category: Spall

Strong Euro, Weak Europe?

By Emerson Schwartzkopf   
   Jan. 1, 2000: €1 =US $1.01
   When the annual odometer turned over to The Big Two-Thousand, things look positively rosy in Europe. No more divided Germany. Former border outposts and customs houses literally going to seed. Commerce moving in all directions.

Aisle Be Seeing You

By Emerson Schwartzkopf
   Since the subject of trade shows keeps coming up here, you might wonder if I’m really living in a convention hall and sneaking away occasionally to a residence for vacation time. My spouse wonders about that, too.

It’s Better to Give

By Emerson Schwartzkopf

Stone continues to sell at a record pace, but … well, something’s still missing. The whole idea of buying stone, from the consumer’s side of the deal lacks the panache of selecting a diamond, or a Dior or a Lamborghini Murciélago. It’s a high-quality product, but where’s the high-class feeling?

Counter Effect

By Emerson Schwartzkopf
  LAS VEGAS – So here I am again, tromping down the trade-show aisles, doing the usual rounds of handshaking and swapping the latest industry dirt, seeing plenty of fabricators with “Marble & Granite” printed on the name tags ….


By Emerson Schwartzkopf
  You haven’t caught me with one of those bonehead production errors like “Paris in the the Spring.” And, to alert everyone still sensitive from the last election cycle, I’ll declare right now that this is a column full of numbers and politics.

The Secret Sex Life of Juperana

By Emerson Schwartzkopf
   While it may be hard to fathom for those of us in the trade, stone isn’t the first choice of majority of consumers looking for a new way to top a counter. Trying to explain this odd behavior leads to plenty of factors, including price, availability and the grumpiness of the estimator.

State Your Case

By Emerson Schwartzkopf
  State legislators, like anyone else, find it hard to say no to little girls. As a result, Colorado joins a long list of places with something nobody should live without: an official state rock.