Category: Import Trends

Semi-annual analysis of U.S. stone imports.

StatWatch: U.S. Stone Imports, March 2011

200_marbleIs the recovery continuing for stone? The data from U.S. ports-of-entry offers a mixed report; most categories and countries are building up from 2010, but a single country — and it’s a big one — may cast some uncertainty.

StatWatch: January 2011

2005_travertineGranite shipments remain strong at the start of 2011, with Brazil finding hot competition from China to be #1. Travertine also shows signs of good recovery, according to a Stone Business analysis of U.S. import data.

Granite Imports Up in ’10

graniteWith initial reports in for December 2010, it’s possible to take a preliminary look at last year’s U.S. imports in dimensional stone — and it’s good news for granite.